Email Marketing

The power of email marketing in the legal field is sorely underestimated. Law firms can benefit substantially from email marketing services, one of the most effective inbound marketing techniques. With emails, Firms can speak directly to their clients, it is the perfect tool to connect law firms with their past, present, and future clients.

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Why Lawyers should use Email Marketing 

Sending follow-up emails to specific actions your firm has taken or even just educational emails has proven to be helpful and, more importantly, welcomed by clients and prospects alike. You can provide valuable content to your readers, such as ebooks, newsletters, invitations, guidelines, etc.

Our email marketing service encompasses this and more. Why? Well, effective emails should not just be a nice add-on to the communication strategies you’ve already got in place. They should convert

There are two conversion-related issues lawyers are facing today, that a good email marketing strategy can solve:

  1. When case leads are qualified but not yet ready to sign with your law firm.  These leads often get ignored in favor of the hot leads who are ready to sign right then and there. This generates a loss in sales opportunities and higher client acquisition costs.
  2.  The second issue lawyers face in their search to sign more cases, is gathering thousands of email addresses (current or past clients) sitting idle in the firm’s database

So, why should your firm consider email marketing?:

  • Boost ROI
  • Lower costs
  • Target the right message to the right audience.
  • Generate referrals
  • Reach mobile users
  • Drive traffic

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Email Marketing Strategies 

The difference between a good and a great email marketing strategy lies in defining your clients’ whats (they need), whys, whens, whos, and lastly, hows. The clearer the answers to these questions are, the more successful your email marketing strategy will be. Understanding your client will shorten their sales cycles, maximize their lifetime value, and build loyalty to your law firm.

Regular Email Campaigns 

Unlike Drip Campaigns, a regular email campaign is scheduled or sent manually to many subscribers, and it’s sent all at once. 

Setting Up an Email Campaign

Step 1: Set a goal

Step 2: Segment list and define the target audience

Step 3: Create a content calendar

Step 4: Design and test emails

Step 5: Send

Step 6: Measure and optimize

Drip Series Email Marketing Campaign 

A drip campaign is a series of automated emails, often triggered by specific user actions and behaviors, e.g. submitting a form, clicking on a link, etc. Leads can be nurtured with helpful and relevant content until they are ready to become your client. 

Setting Up an Email Drip Series Campaign

Step 1: Set a goal

Step 2: Define the target audience

Step 3: Choose trigger events

Step 4: Create content and structure

Step 5: Send

Step 6: Measure and optimize

Drip series email marketing

Other Email Strategies 


A newsletter is an email that is sent to your subscribers in order to keep these clients and potential clients informed about the latest news about your law firm.
Email newsletters are the most common type of email in email marketing. Sending email digests of articles, blogs, videos, office news, and other relevant content to engage a target audience. They should be sent on regular basis in order to keep the subscriber’s interest. 

Email Blasts

These are one-time emails that cross/up-sell, or communicate any breaking news to a target audience. An email blast can be defined as sending the same or a similar email message to a large email list simultaneously. There is no real targeting when it comes to these emails just like its name,  email blasts, these emails are sent indiscriminately. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Email Marketing

While it came about in the first wave of digital marketing, email has remained one of the most effective, measurable, and cost-effective marketing channels. A well-crafted email, delivered at the right time, can greatly improve your customer engagement, build more awareness for your law firm and generate more sales.

No. Buying a list is one of those shortcuts that can really harm your law firm’s reputation in the long run. First of all, most email service providers won’t allow you to use a purchased list. Secondly, emails sent to such a list will likely be flagged as spam. For better email delivery rates, you should only use your own opt-in or permission-based email list of subscribers

The frequency of emails is not one-size-fits-all. It depends on several factors — like the size of your law firm, your clients’ preferences and even the content of your emails. But generally, you can send out your marketing emails as often as you want, provided you don’t annoy your clients and subscribers.

While your email marketing campaigns can have different goals, there are some foundational metrics your law firm should keep an eye on. + Opens and Clicks: How many delivered emails were actually read and clicked through? + Bounce Rates: How many email addresses didn’t receive your email? + Spam Reports: Were your emails flagged as spam by recipients? + Unsubscribes: How many people unsubscribed from receiving your emails? However, over time, you should also track your email marketing efforts alongside your overall goals — like website traffic, new cases or referral business.

Our email marketing services are designed for law firms and lawyers who don’t have a full-time in-house email marketing team (strategists, copywriters, designers, email developers and analysts). We’ll design, write, build, test and manage your email campaigns for you.

If you need any additional services, we’d be glad to help you out. Feel free to schedule a call with us by clicking here.

  • Sign up — Upon signing up, you’ll share your branding and access information. Thereafter, we’ll set up a strategy session with your team to plan your campaigns ahead (typically 30 to 90 days).
  • Create — We’ll then use your brand guide to craft your email template and campaigns. This is where we ask for your feedback and, where necessary, revise the drafts to your satisfaction. Should you wish to be involved in this process, your collaboration is welcome.
  • Send — Once you’ve approved the final drafts, we implement them into your Email Platform/ESP and manage the campaigns for you.

We can help you with any type of email campaign (newsletters, promotions, event updates and drip emails among others) — provided it’s within our Terms of Service

Yes. e more information you provide, the easier it will be for our team to craft better emails for your campaigns. We also prefer to use visuals provided by you — especially for service or team-related shots


Convert Leads into Cases

As you can see, email marketing services go beyond writing and sending content. At Consultwebs, we recognize this. We understand every law firm has different audiences and thus, requires different messaging strategies, optimizations, testing, and calls to action.

Speaking the language of your customers is possible. Acquiring and retaining clients with quality content is more achievable than you might think. See how an email marketing strategy can help you drive revenue and more.

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